

The Dying Breed : Intelligent People.

People read less and less book everyday, and it is sad.

Intelligence changes the credibility and the way people argue. People who reads actually are more likely to have the argument goes their way. People goes from, "in the book 'This' and 'This', it mentions that..." to "you don't believe me? Google it yourself" and "dude, it said so in Wikipedia". It is so sad that the internet actually spoils people the wrong way.

I don't want to come of as anti-technology or anything. But too much dependence on iPhone or your smartphone can actually kills human intelligence. People prefers reading and arguing pointlessly in YouTube comment section rather than spending their valuable time actually reading a good book on humanity, philosophy, world icon's autobiography or conflicts and war history. When do Kim Kardashian become more relevant than Dr. Charles Vacanti?

Books are yours to choose from. The best part? A good book contain maxims that you affects your take on this world while very mildly changes your behavior and personality, only in a good way. A good book always lends you an idea and perception that the world is either a good place to live in, or STILL a good place to live in. It reminds you that there's some faith in humanity that you can invest in. A good book is like a best friend that can give you advice and will NEVER argue with you if you don't want to take it.

Internet is not all evil. It's just that quite often the internet makes wrong people rich and famous for a wrong reason in a wrong way. It also gives wrong people the power to make them do wrong things, but seems righteous in the eyes of wrong viewers.

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